4 Ultra-Processed Foods You Should Avoid At All Costs, According To Hair Loss Experts

4 Ultra-Processed Foods You Should Avoid At All Costs, According To Hair Loss Experts

The thickness of your hair relies on a few factors: namely things like genetics, stress levels, and — yes — diet. Your hair is what you eat (to a certain extent) and making sure that you get plenty of vitamins and minerals in your diet is one way to boost your hair’s texture and shine and to combat hair loss. Another way is to know which ultra processed foods you can avoid because they do your hair NO favors. Dr. Sanjay Batra,  PRP, exosomes, hair loss, regenerative expert, and co-founder of WeThrivv, points out which four processed foods you should avoid at all costs for hair loss. 

Sugar-sweetened beverages

Dr. Batra points out a Chinese study that identified a correlation between the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and hair loss. “Although it is not widely known why sugar can have this effect, recent scientific hypothesis have argued that androgens, such as DHT, prevent the hair follicles from converting sugar to stored energy,” Dr. Batra says. “This is caused by breaking down an enzyme called hypoxia inducible factor (HIF-1). 

Dermatologists Reveal the 1 Serum They Always Reach for After Labor Day

Dermatologists Reveal

Dermatologists Reveal the 1 Serum They Always Reach for After Labor Day

As the heat of summer gives way to the coolness of fall, it’s a good time to adjust your skin-care routine accordingly. Your skin’s needs can change with the seasons, so adapting your products can help keep it healthy and balanced year-round.

Transitioning your skin from summer to fall requires thoughtful adjustments to address the changing environmental conditions. First and foremost, consider the hydration needs of your skin. As the air becomes drier in the fall, switch to a richer, more moisturizing cream to combat potential dryness and flakiness. Continue to prioritize sun protection, even as the days shorten. UV rays can still be damaging, so opt for a moisturizer with SPF or a standalone sunscreen. Additionally, gentle exfoliation can help remove any lingering summer skin buildup and promote a fresh, radiant complexion. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, as adequate hydration is crucial for maintaining healthy skin year-round. Finally, consider incorporating products with ingredients like hyaluronic acid or ceramides to reinforce your skin’s natural barrier and retain moisture. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your skin remains resilient and well-nourished throughout the autumn season.