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Does Castor Oil Actually Help With Hair Growth? We Asked The Experts
If you’re the type of beauty consumer who is naturally suspicious of any and every product you’re told “really works like magic,” you aren’t alone — and you’re probably very wise to feel that way. The unfortunate reality is that the hair, skincare, and cosmetic markets are oversaturated with products that make huge claims. One day you’re being told a certain serum can banish all of your wrinkles and the next day a hair brand is trying to sell you on the idea that all you need is their shampoo to stop your hair from shedding forever.

The solution you’re seeking is usually more complicated than just using a product or two and often involves changes in diet, lifestyle, and a trip to the dermatologist or trichologist to get a professional’s take. But there’s one natural oil that has stood the test of time and maintained its reputation, while other trendy hair products have come and gone over the years: castor oil.

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Recovery Care Emerges as Beauty’s New Niche Category
The size of the global facial injectable market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.3% from 2023 to 2030, according to Grand View Research. As a result, the advent of invasive procedures has spawned “recovery care” as a new niche market within beauty, one that’s ripe for the taking. Several brands have identified this need and are carving out a space to create beauty’s latest category. BY WENDY SY | PUBLISHED MAY 5, 2023

Made for post-injection treatments, recovery care has always been a vital part of the beauty industry, mainly in the form of ice packs and vials of arnica. But when white space emerges, brands come a-running.

According to Grand View Research, the global facial injectable market size was valued at $12.7 billion in 2022. In 2023, it’s projected to exceed $13 billion. And by 2030? Get ready for it — revenue is expected to reach a whopping $27.6 billion. With such high demand, the recovery care category is beauty’s new bright spot of opportunity.

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Dermatologists Debate Sheet Masks
By Lauren Sieben | April 18, 2023
If you’ve ever planned an at-home spa day, there’s a good chance your regimen included a sheet mask. Sheet masks are everywhere: You can pick one up for a few bucks at the drugstore or splurge on a high-end mask from your favorite beauty retailer. But should you use them? And do they even work? We asked dermatologists to weigh in on sheet masks. Who should (and shouldn’t) use them? What ingredients should you look for? Which masks are right for different skin types? And of course: Do sheet masks really do anything? Here’s what the experts had to say.

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Is Exosome Therapy The Future Of Healthy Skin & Hair?

Our skin is designed to heal itself, but like the need to down a shot of espresso to get going into the morning, sometimes the organ needs an extra kick. That’s where exosome therapy comes into play, the latest trend in the aesthetics space. Falling under the regenerative therapy umbrella, a category of treatments that use stem cells or platelets (like in PRP) to replace or “regenerate” the skin in order to improve texture and tone, exosomes are poised to become the next “It girl” in skin care. And like PRP, this treatment can also be used to treat hair loss by stimulating the hair follicles.

Until recently, exosomes were dismissed as mere byproducts of cellular activity, but recent research has revealed their incredible potential to transform how we approach skin care and hair care — a modern-day Cinderella story, if you will. Especially because the science behind the treatment has a long-lasting, holistic effect rather than arguably functioning like a Bandaid for skin concerns like Botox and many fillers do. “Exosomes are usually derived from stem cells and contain signaling molecules and growth factors designed to stimulate regeneration and healing,” explains Dr. Julie Russak, M.D., board-certified dermatologist and founder of Russak Dermatology Clinic in New York City.

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At this point, it’s likely you’re well aware of the plethora of benefits that come from vitamin C. For years, the nutrient has been rapidly rising in the beauty and wellness spaces thanks to its ability to aid in everything from free radical protection and immune function to iron absorption. In fact, on TikTok alone, #vitaminc has garnered some 2.8B views to date, with users sharing products, skin care, foods, and supplements that star the buzzy antioxidant.

“It also helps to boost collagen production and decrease inflammation in the body, making it an essential nutrient for bone and blood vessel health,” anti-aging and regenerative medicine doctor, Dr. Neil Paulvin, DO explains. And while there’s a plethora of information on what it can do for the body, how does one know if they’re deficient in it?

The thing with this tricky nutrient is that, unlike iron and B12-deficiencies, vitamin C disparities can sneak up on you as symptoms — like not getting enough sleep, catching a cold, fever, etc. — can easily be mistaken for a wide variety of other issues. That said, Sanjay Batra, PHD says it’s also one of the vitamins you need to keep in check as having healthy amounts of vitamin C cannot be underestimated. The key thing to note here is that this nutrient cannot be made by the human body, so it must be absorbed through food or supplement. For reference, adult women should be consuming at least 75 mg of vitamin C daily. “While the body can store vitamin C, to get through times of scarcity, the stores are eventually depleted,” says Barta.

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Defying Time Medical therapies and skincare regimens soften the effects of the aging process.
by Bill Donahue


Sanjay Batra, Ph.D., was on the cusp of 50 when he first noticed a subtle but unmistakable change in his appearance: hair loss toward the back of his head.

“Until then I had been blessed with very good hair and good genetics,” he says. “Losing my hair profoundly affected me. It made me very upset, short of depressed; it was a kick-in-the-gut kind of feeling. I would go so far as to say that it affected my self-perception and confidence.”
Just as the sun rises each day, humans can be assured that their bodies will show signs of aging as they grow older. The cells in the human body are programmed to perform basic biological functions, as well as to divide and multiply. The more cells divide, however, the older and more damaged they become. Eventually they lose their ability to function properly. In the body, the effects of this cellular breakdown appear in a multitude of ways, such as changes in skin tone and texture, low energy, reduced muscle mass, altered sleep patterns, and, in Dr. Batra’s case, hair loss.

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According to Experts, These Are *the* Shampoos to Use If You Have Dandruff


Dandruff is one of those pesky topics that no one ever seems to want to talk about, but we most definitely should talk about! (In fact, according to Columbia Skin Clinic, one in five people deals with dandruff.) So let’s shed the mystique shall we? While it’s incredibly common, dandruff—and its treatment—can be a little more complicated than one might think, and since a multitude of issues might be at play, it’s best to meet with a dermatologist if you’ve been experiencing new or or worsening scalp issues like flaking, itchiness, or irritation.

You’ll want to heed your doctor’s diagnosis and directions, especially since there are different types of dandruff and the intensity can vary, but your product regimen can go a long way in terms of management and treatment. Below, we’re covering some baseline questions and need-to-knows about dandruff in addition to asking trusted experts for their top recommendations when it comes to the best shampoos and conditioners for dandruff.

But first, what is dandruff, and can you actually get rid of it?

While dandruff may seem pretty straight forward, it can actually present in multiple ways. According to board-certified dermatologist Kseniya Kobets, director of cosmetic dermatology at Montefiore Einstein Advanced Care, dandruff can present as an oily scalp, as an oily and dry scalp (which she says tends to be confusing for patients), and sometimes just as a dry scalp. “Dandruff—or seborrheic dermatitis—is thought to be caused by the overgrowth of a particular genus of yeast (fungus Malassezia spp), but many other factors can worsen or exacerbate it.”

For instance, dandruff can flare up during times of stress (likely, Kobets says, from an increase in cortisol, which can spike inflammation and disrupt our body’s normal immune responses), but it can also be triggered by other factors that disrupt the balance of the scalp’s microbiome. Think products that are excessively oily, product buildup, or even certain medications like systemic antibiotics. 

Lastly, while dandruff is highly treatable, it isn’t curable. “There are several excellent treatments that help to reduce or prevent dandruff, but once the treatment stops, the dandruff tends to return,” notes Sanjay Batra, Ph.D., a regenerative medicine expert who’s well-versed on all things scalpcare. “Caring for the scalp is imperative so that the fungus is prevented from becoming too widespread,” Batra explains. And the treatments don’t have to be extreme or too intense. Choosing the right type of shampoo—be it clarifying, medicated, or fortified with scalp-healthy ingredients—can go a long way. More on that below!


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6 Ways to Take Care of Your Scalp

The rules of hair care are simple and finite (name that movie) but how many of us are taking care of our scalps? Taking care of your scalp is imperative when talking about hair care since they go hand-in-hand for shiny strands. We spoke to experts ranging from salon owners to doctors about the importance of this often-overlooked piece of self-care.

Why is scalp care so important?
Sayaka Nitta, owner, head spa technician, and master stylist at Blow Me Away, an organic hair salon and head spa specializing in Japanese-method scalp revitalization in Los Angeles, says the scalp is the foundation for the hair — and if it’s not in good condition, hair won’t be able to grow properly. Proper scalp care can also help prevent hair loss and hair thinning as a healthy scalp is better able to support the growth of healthy, strong hair.

“A healthy scalp is necessary for healthy hair growth,” Nitta says. “[It] is also less likely to be itchy, flaky, or irritated, which can cause dandruff and other scalp conditions.”

Taking care of your scalp also helps promote blood circulation, which is essential for hair growth. Frequently removing the buildup of oils, dirt, and other impurities along with dead skin cells that can clog the hair follicles and inhibit hair growth is crucial for those luscious locks.


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Exosome Therapy Is the Next Big Thing in Aesthetic Medicine—Here’s How It Works

Emily Orofino Mar 3, 2023

Without experimentation, there would be no progress, and that’s especially the case when it comes to science. The FDA first allowed the study of botulinum toxin’s effect on health conditions more than 50 years ago. Decades later, it was studied, then approved, as a treatment for wrinkles; today, Botox is possibly the most popular aesthetic procedure worldwide. It takes significant time to understand what innovative treatments are capable of and even longer to get them regulated and approved as an actual therapy. So when the FDA issued a warning letter against exosome treatment—one of today’s buzziest procedures—many aesthetic providers took it with a grain of salt. Here, with the help of exosome experts, we’re breaking down exactly why this treatment is being referred to as “the wave of the future.”